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Latest Insights
The NIOP committee is dedicated to activities and programs that advance the goal of national electronic tolling interoperability, promoting the objectives of allowing motorists to use a single account to pay tolls across North America.

Proposed Reorganization of the Lower 900 MHz Band. Issues and Implications for Tolling from the NextNav FCC Petition
The documents and other resources on this page provide a robust background on the NextNav petition before the Federal Communications Commission.

IBTTA is committed to promoting safety across the tolling industry.
IBTTA is deeply committed to promoting safety across all facets of the tolling industry. By fostering collaboration among members and stakeholders, IBTTA promotes developing and implementing innovative safety practices, technologies, and policies.

Featured Events
IBTTA organizes and hosts a wide variety of events that cater to the specific needs and interests of our members, offering in-depth coverage of the industry’s latest trends and developments.

2025 Policy Trends Webinar

2025 Leadership Academy

ATSSA 2025 Convention & Traffic Expo
IBTTA offers TollMiner™ and RevFinder™, innovative applications that use data to display industry trends, and offer insights into revenue collection best practices.

Seamlessly analyze datasets, uncover patterns, and extract valuable trends.
While toll facilities are vastly different, we can find common ground to uncover important insights and advance the mobility of our world. Welcome to the powerhouse of key industry data! Access to TollMiner™ is an IBTTA member benefit.

Seamlessly analyze vast datasets, uncover patterns, and extract valuable trends with ease.
Discover unparalleled insights and efficiencies with IBTTA’s revolutionary RevFinder™ software. Designed to revolutionize tolling operations, TollMiner is a cutting-edge data analytics tool that transforms raw tolling data into actionable intelligence.
RevFinder™ access is provided as an IBTTA member benefit
Please contact us for more information