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Tolling Points

Effective Communications Is Key to Every Successful Project

Bill Cramer, Public Involvement Director, HNTB

When communities all over the world consider building or expanding a toll road, bridge, tunnel, or transit rail system, effective communications from the very beginning is needed. Clear and concise communication with all entities involved in a project is essential for a positive outcome. This includes communication with the public, media, local and state officials, community, and environmental groups throughout the concept, proposal, design phases, construction and post-construction activities.

At HNTB, we have been designing award-winning infrastructure projects across the U.S. for 109 years. We also have placed great emphasis on communications by working with our customer toll agencies and state DOTs with a robust variety of embedded communications professionals and resources.

Today, tolling plays an essential role in paying for and maintaining critical infrastructure by reducing congestion, improving mobility and keeping drivers safe. Moreover, transportation and tolling connect communities and are essential for job opportunities, quality of life and social equity. It is critical that we communicate these benefits daily to our targeted audiences.

Below are just a few examples of communications efforts HNTB is working on with our partner clients to ensure success.

In North Carolina, the communications team developed one crisis communications plan with the North Carolina Turnpike Authority (NCTA) and another with the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). One cannot predict a crisis, so having a plan in place and being prepared is essential. A solid plan and team in place will allow you to act quickly, but more importantly, make good decisions at a critical time. NCTA’s crisis communications plan helped it create a structure to select a crisis management team; plan for clear and concise messaging; address highly likely scenarios; prepare an external communications plan; communicate internally with staff, NCDOT, Board Members, and partners; deliver facts; and correct any misinformation.

In Maine, working with one of our longest-running clients, the Maine Turnpike Authority (MTA), HNTB introduced our technology tool for public outreach and engagement, the Public Involvement Management Application (PIMA). The MTA has held a series of in-person and live hybrid meetings using PIMA. Maine residents have taken to the online tool and engagement levels have risen. The MTA has found that more people are participating in public meetings using this virtual platform than in-person. The online comment function has shown itself to be a great platform for residents to ask questions and receive timely responses. This has allowed the MTA to formulate proper detailed responses and ensure all online participants are receiving the same accurate information. Using PIMA, MTA has been able to review engagement data and associated analytics at the close of the comment period. The MTA also is able to send out updates to this group as the project progresses.

In Virginia, HNTB worked with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), on the first Toll Relief Program in the Commonwealth. On October 24, 2016, then-Governor McAuliffe, Secretary Aubrey Lane, and Deputy Secretary Grindly Johnson announced that Norfolk and Portsmouth residents would receive help paying tolls on the Elizabeth River Tunnels through a new toll relief program. The program has expanded and now provides meaningful financial relief to qualified residents of any of the 16 jurisdictions across Hampton Roads who travel the Elizabeth River Tunnels. As the Toll Relief Program took shape, VDOT recognized the need to be able to effectively educate key stakeholders and potential customers about the new program. As a result, a Public Outreach and Public Education plan was developed to support the work of the overall technical team and VDOT.

The plan outlined goals, objectives, key messages, strategies, and tactics to ensure that the public was well-informed and engaged during the ramp-up and rollout phases of the program and throughout the project development phases. The Public Outreach and Education Plan was organized to allow coordination between VDOT and the Toll Relief Steering Committee and to work in conjunction with the efforts of VDOT in building and maintaining relationships with the public, key stakeholder groups and the news media during the life of the project. Specific communications efforts included market research to gather data from focus groups to refine the messaging, identify targeted audiences, and determine the identity for the program and brand. To build the identity and brand, a logo and marketing collateral materials were created and tested with focus groups. A website was built, and a social media campaign was implemented along with a grassroots and EZ-Pass education campaign. HNTB continues to support the program today, and sessions at the IBTTA Communications, HR & Legal Workshop and the IBTTA Technology Summit will highlight how the program has helped address transportation inequities.

In Illinois, the Illinois Tollway is currently delivering its 15-year, $14 billion capital program entitled Move Illinois. HNTB serves as the Program Management Office (PMO) to help the Tollway deliver on its promises across the 294-mile system. As the PMO, HNTB is providing support across all departments and is helping the Tollway effectively communicate with its customers, stakeholders, and communities across the region. The PMO has helped develop concepts, manage the execution and produce events that highlights the progress, improvements, and impact of the capital program on the local economy. HNTB is combining key messaging with collateral materials to help tell the story using digital and social media, and video to amplify the Tollway’s successes.

In Pennsylvania, working with the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission’s (PTC) Communications Team, HNTB produced an animated video that will be posted to PTC’s website as it begins to inform and educate customers and the media about their 2025 implementation and roll-out of Open Road Tolling (ORT). The video highlights the construction process of the gantries, the equipment that will be installed and the roadside equipment sheds.

These are just a few examples of how HNTB’s communications professionals are working alongside toll agencies, states, cities, and counties as partners, to design, maintain and modernize our nation’s transportation infrastructure.

HNTB is looking forward to participating in IBTTA’s Communications, Human Resources and Legal Workshop in the upcoming days, in Norfolk, VA.

Newsletter publish date: 
Wednesday, March 22, 2023 - 16:45


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