A Tolling Data Visualization Tool
While toll facilities are vastly different, we can find common ground to uncover important insights and advance the mobility of our world. Welcome to the powerhouse of key industry data! TollMiner™ is one of the many tangible benefits we provide our members, so access is for members only.
We encourage feedback, clarifications or corrections. Feel free to reach out.
- Supporting Vendors added to Facilities View Tab. These include System Integrators, Roadside Operations, and Back Office vendors.
- AET Start dates added to Facilities View Tab. Includes date facility converted to AET, or new facility was opened as an AET facility.
- Procurement links added to Operators View Tab. These link directly to the Operator's website page that contains important Procurement information.
- FY2023 revenue is displaying on the Traffic and Revenue Tab (as it is being collected).
- FY2022 revenue can be exported from the Operators View Tab.
- Alternative Fuel Corridors have been updated to include Round 7!
TollMiner™ Information Overview
TollMiner™ is an exclusive tool for IBTTA Members Only. To get started, click the button below. If you're not already logged in, you'll be prompted to enter your username and password.
If this is your first time accessing TollMiner™, we recommend taking a moment to explore the expandable sections below. These will provide you with an overview of the type of information available within each tab in TollMiner™.
TollMiner Contact: Lisa Jewell, Research Specialist
General Facts
Overview of toll facilities and operators with a toggle between worldwide and the U.S. Users can view charts/graphs on the # of facilities, operators, and countries/states with toll facilities. An interactive map displays toll facility locations and allows the user to filter based on country/state. Clicking on a facility "map pin" drills down into the facility for more info.
Dashboard includes (Toggle between Worldwide and U.S.):
- # Tolling Facilities in the U.S. and Worldwide
- # Operators in the U.S. and Worldwide
- # Countries or States with Tolling Facilities
- For the U.S.: Total centerline miles of toll facilities
An Interactive map that:
- Illustrates the density of toll facilities in Countries/States
- Ability to filter data by Country/State
- Clickable facility "map pins" that allow users to drill down and see more data about each facility
Collection Methods
Overview of the collection methods used by tolling facilities in the U.S. Users can view charts/graphs on the # of U.S. facilities using Electronic Toll Collection (ETC), cash collection, and those that are All Electronic Tolling (AET) facilities. An interactive map displays the location of ETC facilities, and allows the user to filter the data by clicking on the state. Clicking on a facility "map pin" drills down into each ETC facility for more info.
Dashboard includes:
- # Facilities that use ETC
- # Operators that use ETC
- # Facilities that are classified as AET or Cashless
- Total Centerline Miles of facilities that use ETC
Interactive map that:
- Illustrates the density of ETC facilities in each state
- Ability to filter data by state
- Clickable facility "map pins" that allow users to drill down and see more data about each ETC facility
Priced Managed Lanes
Overview of Priced Managed Lane facilities in the U.S. Users can view charts/graphs on the # of priced managed lane types (HOT/HOV), # operators and pricing methods (Static, Peak/Time of Day, Dynamic). An interactive map displays toll facility locations and allows the user to filter the data by clicking on the state. Clicking on a facility "map pin" drills down into the priced managed lane facility for more info.
Dashboard includes:
- # Priced managed lane facilites in the U.S.
- # Price managed lane operators in the U.S.
- Total centerline miles that make up priced managed lanes
- # States with price managed lanes
Interactive map that:
- Illustrates the density of priced managed lane facilities in each state
- Ability to filter data by state
- Clickable facility "map pins" that allow user to drill down and see more data about each priced managed lane facility
Traffic and Revenue
Detailed fiscal year revenue and vehicle volume data for toll operators that operate facilities in the U.S., whose data is publicly available. Data from the most recent fiscal year is added as financial reports are published. Users can filter information using toll operator and facility attributes.
Dashboard includes:
- YOY revenue and vehicle volume annual data for toll operators that publically publish their data
- Annual revenue and vehicle volume aggregate data by year
- Ability to filter data based on:
- Toll Operator Properties: revenue/vehicle volume thresholds, operators with AET facilities, IBTTA membership
- Toll Facility Properties: facility type, collection method, price-managed lane indicator, state, operator and interstate facilities
Facilities View
Detailed data about all toll facilities in the U.S. and Worldwide. Users can filter data using facility attributes. Extensive tabular data is provided, which can be searched and exported. An interactive map displays toll facility locations and allows users to filter based on state or country. Clicking on a facility "map pin" drills down into the facility for more info.
Dashboard includes:
Ability to filter data based on:
- Facility type, collection method, price managed lane indicator, state, operator and interstate facilities
An interactive map that:
- Can toggle between illustrating the density of the # of facilities in each state, or the total center lane miles in each state
- Allows user to click and filter data by state or country
- Clickable facility "map pins" that allow users to drill down and see more data about each facility
Tabular data table with extensive facility information including:
- Location, tolling start date, centerline miles, collection method, price managed lane indicator and pricing method (static, peak/time of day, dynamic)
- Tabular data can be searched and exported
Operators View
Detailed data about toll operators in the U.S. and Worldwide. Users can filter information using toll operator and facility attributes. Extensive tabular data is provided which can be searched and exported. An interactive map displays toll facility locations and allows the user to filter based on state or country.
Dashboard includes:
Ability to filter data based on:
- Toll Operator Properties: revenue/vehicle volume thresholds, operators with AET facilities, IBTTA membership and organization type (P3, Public, Private)
- Toll Facility Properties: facility type, collection method, price managed lane indicator, state, operator and interstate facilities
Interactive map that allows user to click and filter data by state or country
Tabular data table with extensive operator information including:
- Location, tolling start dates, centerline miles, collection methods, price managed lane indicators and pricing methods (static, peak/time of day, dynamic)
- Tabular data can be searched and exported
US Federal Resources - Congressional Outreach
Provides users the ability to view U.S. Congressional District borders as they relate to toll facilities. Since congressional districts are “all over the map,” it’s a difficult task to match districts to toll facilities – especially large toll facilities that meander through many districts. This tab overlays congressional district and committee representative data, and allows the user to find contact information for representatives to support congressional outreach.
Congressional Districts Dashboard includes the ability to:
- Select from a list of house committees and highlight the districts corresponding to each congressional member
- Select from a list of toll facilities to draw on the map
- Click on district to show detailed information about committee members including contact information
- Add members to a list that can be exported for future use
- Toggle to show party colors of district representatives
US Federal Resources - Alternative Fuel Corridors
Provides users the ability to view U.S. Alternative Fuel Corridors as they relate to toll facilities. This tab overlays the FHWA Alternative Fuel Corridors Dataset over toll facility maps.
Alternative Fuel Corridors Dashboard includes the ability to:
- Select from a list of toll facilities to draw on the map
- View FHWA Alternative Fuels Corridor data overlayed on top of toll facilities. This identifies corridors designated as Corridor Ready or Corridor Pending for alternative fuel corridor signage, which include five types of alternative fuels: Electric Vehicle (EV), CNG, LNG, LPG (Propane), and Hydrogen
TollMiner™ is a tool for IBTTA Members Only. Once you click on the button below, you will be prompted to log in with your username/password.